Welcome to the Dream Club
Diane Riis
Dream Club
Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
Everything that happens means something.
Ignore the ego that tells you otherwise.
Your dreams are "letters from the great Unconscious Center" which is the Self, said C.G. Jung.
But do you know what they are saying?
Dream Club
Remember your dreams.
Learn to dialogue with your dreams.
Active imagination to interpret the signs, archetypes, coincidences of life.
Share your journey with other travelers in a safe space.
Use the practice forever to make decisions, find meaning, step outside the ego and find your Self.
One Month (four sessions) Wednesdays in February 7pm
Don’t worry, I don’t sell your information and you can see my privacy policies here.
Do You Do Your Best Work at Night?
If you love the idea of journaling but you’re not an early bird, try Midnight Pages: A Workbook for Writers, Insomniacs and Night Owls. Writing prompts, Midnight Pages writing (the antidote to morning pages) and ways to read the symbols of the night. Available on Amazon.